Divine Embrace

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in Spirit.”

-Pslams 34:18

 I’ve encountered this verse repeatedly in recent months. It has been prayed over me, spoken to me, and I’ve often recited it to myself. At times this verse has provided great comfort, and in others it caused confusion and unsettlement. When one’s spirit is so thoroughly crushed that all you feel is excruciating pain, how can you possibly sense God’s closeness?

Over the past few months, I have become intimately acquainted with grief, a journey I did not willingly embark upon. In grieving the loss of long desired dreams, deep friendships, and loved individuals, I have experienced a depth of physical, mental, and emotional anguish like never before.

I frequently envision a young girl pedaling her bicycle across a bustling street. She takes a hard fall and is unable to rise. Her knees are scrapped and her ankles too weak to support her. Picture two scenarios:

In the first, her father hurries to her side, extending a helping hand, allowing her to rise and slowly make her way across the street, supporting her as she limps to safety.

In the second scenario, the father remains close by, vigilant and observant. Seeing that she has fallen, he rushes to her, encircling her in his protective embrace. With tenderness, he lifts her up and carries her to safety, cradling her in his arms.

During my darkest days, when all I can feel is the overwhelming pain of grief, I call to mind the image of that girl. These are the moments when the weight of loss seems insurmountable, leaving me immobilized, breathless, and desperate. The mornings when I can’t find the motivation to get out of bed, the moments of confused desperation, and the nights spent tiredlessly crying myself to sleep. This verse is a powerful reminder that we have a Father who doesn't merely extend a hand to help us regain our footing and continue stumbling forward on our own. No, He goes beyond that; He saves us. In His perfect love and unwavering commitment, He envelops us in His arms and carries us to a place of safety. "The Lord is near to the broken-hearted." I write these words as a personal reminder, so that on those days when it feels like I'm navigating this journey alone, when I cannot sense His presence amidst the deep anguish of my heart, I am reassured that He is close by, and He doesn't just offer assistance; He picks me up and He carries me to safety.
